Saturday 20 February 2010

Passive Smoking. Popular misconceptions

We know that in recent years, governments begun to increasingly take care for us against our will. The first notable example of such behaviour are smoking bans popping up all over the world, that hurt the business and ruin many people's social lives. The excuse for imposing the bans was to protect people (in many cases against their will) from the dangers of passive smoke. But is passive smoking really a risk ? Well, let me start with linking to a "Health and Savety Report". Please, check out paragraph 9 and you'll realize why the report has been removed from the internet after (I think) 3 days of being available to the public. Clearly, the report did not provide the government with results that would justify the smoking ban, so i had to be cenzored. but I'll let this gentelman discuss the matter for you: Let's just say that the results don't matter, if they don't support the certain agenda. If the goal of the government is to regulate people's behaviour and that of "big pharma" is to make the nicotine patches the only legal source of nicotine for smokers (because that's the goal), they'll cling to every peace of junk science to only achieve their ends.

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