Saturday 6 March 2010


Drugs are a very controvercial subject, because... I don't know the answer to be frank with you. Why isn't anybody making a big fuss about alkohol? If you don’t like drugs, don't do them. You're not in the position (nobody is) to decide what's good or bad for anybody except yourself. A lot of people, when you ask them if they would do drugs if they were legalized? are like: "no, never, but someone else just might, so I have to protect that person from him/herself". Drugs are dangerous, alright. But so is alkohol- it, too can lead to destruction of families and wasted lives. Let's leave up it to personal responsibility and choice. Making drugs illegal helps nobody except the criminals who get rich by selling a product that nobody else has (just like the Al Capones during the prohibition- an abject failure and mistake that nobody learned on). Those guys don't care who they sell it to, so it makes it more available to kids. If drugs were legalized, the drug smuggling and violence by gangs that benefit from the ban wouldn't be a problem anymore (unless, of course the government started taxing the the hell out of drugs, and invite smuggling back, as it happened with cigarettes). Besides, there are countries where pot (and not only pot) is legal and, as far as I know, there is no more crime there than in other countries.
Here's a website that tells about prohibition and the results of it. In my opinion, most of the things they want done when it comes to drugs makes a lot of sense.
Here's a gentelman who's a doctor and talks about his experience with drug-addicts during his practise
I invite you to watch all of his videos. He has a very refreshing and sensible approach to a lot of issues.

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